Graag de onderstaande formulieren gebruiken om lid te worden; op deze manier ontvangen we in één keer alle benodigde gegevens.
Vergeet hierbij je SSH-sleutel niet; we hebben uiteraard enkel je publieke sleutel nodig.
Kopieer onderstaande formulieren naar een email, vul ze in en verstuur naar info at
Membership Form Name: Address: Zip code: Hometown: Country: Language: Telephone: I am 18+ (yes/no) [1]: Nick (IRC): Email address: Username (preferred) [2]: Optionally would you like to tell us: How did you hear about Soleus? Why do you want to become a member of Soleus? [1] As a community we are obliged to know whether you are an adult. If you are a minor, please contact us so we can work it out. [2] This is the username used for accessing the website and wikis, as well as the console for your VPS and other services. Your Soleus e-mail address will be <username> by default. If you wish to have an alternate e-mail address, please complete this information by adding the requested e-mail address.
Name: Hostname (preferred) [1]: Username [2]: SSH Key [3]: Operating system / Image : Preferred amount of memory [4]: 2048/4096/... MByte Preferred amount of diskspace [5]: 50/100/150/200/... GByte Preferred delivery date: (As soon as humanly possibly) [1] Hostnames have to follow a strict naming scheme; see our Hostnames themes. [2] This is the username you received for accessing the website and wikis, which will be given access to the console for your VPS. [3] Please add your SSH key as an attachment to make sure there are no copy/paste issues. [4], [5] For prices see our Membership fees.